Prospectus: The Carriage Barn Arts Center and The New Canaan Chamber of Commerce are seeking artists to showcase in New Canaan store windows, and to participate in a downtown celebration of the arts. Artists may submit up to three pieces which may be selected for display and sale in one of New Canaan’s premier retail windows.
All sizes are welcome, but take into consideration that many stores have limited window space so smaller pieces are easier to place. Any medium is welcome, including sculpture. The designation of artwork in the stores is at the discretion of the director and the Art in the Windows committee. Please note the New Canaan Society for the Arts is not liable for any loss or damage of artwork.
Youth category for artists ages 5-16. Selected works will be displayed in designated store windows or in a special youth gallery in town.
In addition to downtown store windows, artwork will also be featured through an online virtual gallery and social media campaigns.
Artists receive 50% and 50% supports the New Canaan Society for the Arts.
On Friday, June 2nd from 5-7pm, the Carriage Barn and New Canaan Chamber of Commerce, along with other community organizations and business partners, will host downtown celebration of creativity! Art-inspired window displays, culinary creations, live music and a community art project will be part of this kick-off event.
Artists and participating stores will be included on a program distributed throughout New Canaan. The Art in the Windows will also be promoted through an ongoing social media campaign.
Entry Deadline: Sunday, May 7th
Online Notification of Accepted Artwork: Friday, May 12th
Delivery of Artwork by artists to the designated stores: Thursday, June 1 and Friday, June 2, 10am – 3pm.
Exhibit ends: Saturday, June 24th
Artist pick-up from the stores: June 24/25 (confirm store hours before pick up).
Work not picked-up at the designated time may be subject to a $20 storage fee.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND FEE: A maximum of 3 works per artist will be accepted for a non-refundable fee:
- Carriage Barn members: $25 for up to 3 entries.
- Youth/Student: $25 for up to 3 entries.
- Non-members: $38 for up to 3 entries.
There are no refunds for work accepted or not selected.
Click here to become a member today for reduced entry fees and other benefits!
1. Resize images to 72 dpi and not larger than 8” x 8”. Suggested pixel size is 1024 inches in largest dimension. Or save the images for “web” in the photo program on your computer and they will automatically be sized correctly for uploading.
2. IMPORTANT: Save newly sized images as a .jpg file and rename each image file with your name, the entry number and the short title. Follow this example exactly including the underscore marks and capitalization.
Example: Smith_Mary_01ShortTitle.jpg