We seek Sponsorship in a variety of forms. You can give as an Underwriter, Sponsor, or Supporter; give in the form of a Juror Fee (for a juried exhibition) or an Award (Best in Show, Best Student, Honorable Mention); give In-Kind if you want to donate food, wine, art supplies, or gift certificates; or give as a Benefactor at varying levels.
In return, the New Canaan Society for the Arts publicizes you as one of our Community Partners by printing your logo or name on our PR material including advertising, postcards, and e-newsletters and publicly recognizing your organization or individual contribution at our art openings and events.
For a donation of $500 or more, we welcome you as a Corporate / Angel Member to the New Canaan Society for the Arts, our 300+ member family of artists and arts appreciators at the Carriage Barn Arts Center. Your membership begins the date of your contribution and can be renewed annually.
A Corporate Membership (Angel Level) entitles you, the organization contact to receive:
- Subscription to the Carriage Arts Barn Center newsletters
- Invitations to Member coffees and networking meet-ups
- Opportunity to share artwork in Members Exhibition (additional fee applies)
- Reduced admission to lectures, concerts, film series, and workshops
- Discounted exhibition entry fees for employees applying to juried exhibitions
- 15% discount at Rockwell Framing in New Canaan
- Invitations to VIP Private Preview Receptions
- Invitation for two people to a special event (privately led tour at a museum, art collection/foundation, gallery, or auction house)
- Invitation for two people to exclusive Angel-level special event
About the Carriage Barn
The mission of the New Canaan Society for the Arts, Inc. is to promote the visual and performing arts, and to enrich the community through exhibitions, education, and cultural experiences, and to operate the Carriage Barn Arts Center.
Keep in Touch
Carriage Barn Arts Center
Waveny Park
681 South Avenue
New Canaan, CT 06840
(203) 594-3638