Special Exhibit Events:
Caffeine & Carburetors Open House: Sunday October 23rd, 8am-Noon
with School of Rock live music performance at the Carriage Barn at 10:30am
On Collecting: Art & Autos, Panel Discussion & Bourbon Tasting: Wednesday, October 26th, 6:30pm
including guests Jay Fielden, culture critic and former Editor of Esquire and Town & Country magazines; Hilary Lewis, Chief Curator from the Glass House; Scott Gilbert of Black Bridge Motors and others. Enjoy a curated Bourbon tasting by Larry Klem of Stewart’s Wine & Spirits.
Selected Artists and Artwork / Online Gallery Coming Soon…
A special exhibition celebrating the art of the automobile. Automobile design is an art form in itself and its aesthetic qualities have inspired artists and collectors for generations. Cars have become an integral part of our lives and culture and have transformed how we live and work. In this exhibition we hope to celebrate the automobile and to highlight the connection between art and the auto.
The show features a curated selection of original artwork, unique photography, vintage racing posters and automotive memorabilia that capture the innovation, timeless beauty, modern philosophy and iconic style of the vehicle. In addition to works accepted by Carriage Barn member artists, we are thrilled to be including the work of New York City-based artist Clintel Steed. Artists, designers, collectors, automobile enthusiasts and everyday drivers will all appreciate this unique exhibit.

After the Rain, Paul Berger
Artists are invited to submit work for consideration in this curated exhibition. This exhibit will include a selection of works depicting, inspired by and even incorporating materials from the automobile.
Original artwork in all media will be considered. There are not limitations on size, but dimensions should be noted in your submission. Artwork may be for sale and artists should make note of exact materials and any distinctive presentation of the artwork if applicable.
Additionally, rare vehicles from a private collection, vintage racing posters, automotive memorabilia and works by invited guest artists may be on display.
Entry Deadline: Sunday, September 25
Announcement of Juror’s Selection: September 30
Delivery of Artwork: Monday, October 10, 10am – 2pm; 5-7pm
Opening Day: Saturday, October 15
Caffeine & Carburetors event in Waveny Park, Sunday, October 23 from 8-11am
Show closes: Saturday, October 29
Pick-up after the show: 10/29 2-4pm or Monday, 10/31, 10am–1pm.
Please note that work not picked-up at the designated time will be charged a $20 storage fee.
– There is no size limit and all mediums are accepted.
– Work must remain on exhibit for the entire show.
– Work must be wired for hanging. Hanging mechanism is the Walker hanging system. Saw tooth hangers and small wire loops on the back of inexpensive frames, scratched glass and plexiglass, poorly constructed frames, and poorly cut mats are not acceptable. Framed work should be under glass or plexiglass unless it is intentionally unframed and professionally presented. White or ivory mats are preferred.
Two-dimensional works must be wired for hanging.
The Walker hanging system is used for two-dimensional work and wall sculpture. Weight should not exceed what can be lifted by two art handlers.
NOTE: The curator reserves the right to reject any work at delivery whose presentation and quality is sub-standard.
Up to three works per artist will be accepted for a non-refundable fee:
Carriage Barn Arts Center members/students (18 & under): $20 for up to 3 entries.
Non-members: $35 for up to 3 entries. There are no refunds for work accepted or not selected.
Become a member today for reduced entry fees!
1. Resize your images to 72 dpi and not larger than 8” x 8”. Suggested pixel size is 1024 inches in largest dimension. Or save the images for “web” in the photo program on your computer and they will automatically be sized correctly for uploading.
2. Save the newly sized images as a .jpg file and rename each image file with your name, the entry number and the short title. Follow this example exactly including the underscore marks and capitalization. Example: Smith_Mary_01ShortTitle.jpg
You may enter works that are for sale. New Canaan Society for the Arts receives a 35% fee on sales.
Insurance covers work accepted for exhibition while in possession of the New Canaan Society for the Arts. Upon delivery of work, the artist must sign a consignment and liability form in order for the work to be insured. The New Canaan Society for the Arts will insure to the extent of 50% of the value accepted by the insurance company less any deductible. The work will be insured 100 % if the artist presents a third-party appraisal. The New Canaan Society for the Arts will not be liable for work not claimed after specified pick-up dates and times. All care will be taken while art is at the Carriage Barn Arts Center, but the New Canaan Society for the Arts is not responsible for any loss or damage to the artwork during delivery, installation and de-installation or for normal wear and tear, such as minor nicks to frames or scratches to plexiglass.
IMAGE USE RIGHTS: Artist’s recognition is provided with any use. By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for the exhibition grant The Carriage Barn Arts Center the right to use their images for the purpose of promoting the artist, promoting the Center’s programs, promoting exhibitions and subsequent display on the Center’s website of current and past exhibitions. Promotions and images may also be placed on social networks with artist credit.
About the Carriage Barn
The mission of the New Canaan Society for the Arts, Inc. is to promote the visual and performing arts, and to enrich the community through exhibitions, education, and cultural experiences, and to operate the Carriage Barn Arts Center.
Keep in Touch
Carriage Barn Arts Center
Waveny Park
681 South Avenue
New Canaan, CT 06840
(203) 594-3638