NEW! 2-day Plein Air Painting Workshop
with artist & instructor Randi Jane Davis
September 11 & 12 from 9am-1pm (rain date Sept. 13)
Artists & Beginners Welcome — come try your hand a plein air painting!
In this two-day workshop on the grounds of Waveny Park, participants will learn about location choice, how to identify subject matter and the rudiments of composition. Also covered — important strategies for how to start an outdoor painting and (as important) when to stop. Through demonstration and individual attention, learn techniques on the importance of value and color and how to mix color to create a cohesive painting. Bring your own supplies and work in medium of your choice — oil paint or pastels, watercolor, acrylic.
Randi Jane Davis is an award-winning contemporary painter who examines objects and their surroundings, transferring her impressions to the canvas in fluid, gestural strokes. She is a member of the prestigious Salmagundi Art Club, The New York Society of Women Artists, and an Associate Member of the Oil Painters of America and American Women Artists.
$135/non-members, $110 members